Monday 3 April 2023







Why we chose this cause

We chose Vaping as our topic because there are multiple myths surrounding it, and today's youth tend to flavour it as a more appealing and secure option because many claim it to be harmless. Mainly, It has become a young people's trend that has gained popularity recently. Even though vaping is frequently promoted as a healthier alternative to smoking, there is still a great deal of misinformation about its safety and potential health consequences. Vaping has thus become a cultural practice that has influenced young people's attitudes and lifestyles. 

Often youngsters consider vaping as a means to express themselves as well as a way to mix in with their friends. Because of the common use of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices mostly among teens and young adults, it has therefore become an essential part of youth culture. The long-term risks of vaping on young people's health, however, are a cause of concern.

With the increasing popularity of vaping and the potential health risks connected to this habit, it's indeed essential to understand the early signs of this addiction and to increase public awareness of the problems it may present. By clearing misconceptions, youth need to be made aware of potential issues and encouraged to adopt healthy habits.


- Compared to other e-cigarettes, the product releases nicotine up to 2.7 times faster. - Teenage exposure to nicotine can be harmful to cognitive development, which can last until around age 25. It may have an impact on learning, memory, and attention, as well as raise the danger of developing a future drug addiction. - Together with the nicotine, poisonous fumes and sticky particles are inhaled into the lungs. Cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are mostly carried on by the toxic compounds in cigarette smoke. - When monitoring people who vape, dangerous substances detected in the blood, saliva, and urine, also known as "biomarkers of exposure"

Background history

The first version of the vaping device, known as the "electric vaporizer," was created in May 1927 by a man named Joseph Robinson despite being considered a modern technological advancement. Its major use was for medical reasons. But, Mr. Robinson was unable to make his creation marketable. Yet a man by the name of Herbert Gilbert created a vaping gadget specifically designed for switching from tobacco to a smokeless substitute in 1965. Though, regardless of his best efforts, Mr. Herbert was unable to find a business willing to mass-produce his product, and his patent eventually expired. (How Does Vaping Work? The Science and History Explained, 2019) Surprisingly, the first vaping device to be commercially successful was developed in 2003 by a chemist by the name of Hon Lik in China. In 2007, he debuted his invention in America. These products were promoted to those attempting to stop smoking cigarettes as a safer alternative. (Boseley, 2015) Although vaping has been widely accepted in the West for a little more than 10 years, we don't yet have enough information to say that vaping materials are in fact safer than tobacco because it required us thousands of years to figure out that inhaling smoke directly into our lungs is not a healthy experience. (Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping, 2017)

Current situation and problems

  1. Health Risks: Vaping is still a relatively new phenomenon, Recent studies suggest that vaping can have many dangerous chemicals that have adverse long-term health effects, including lung damage and an increased risk of heart disease. (Association, A. L. (n.d.)

  1. Popularity Among Young People: E-cigarettes are appealing to young people because of their flavour and marketing. Public health professionals are concerned about the rising popularity of e-cigarettes among young people. We are worried that smoking after using vaporizers could result in nicotine addiction. (CDC,2022)

  1. Lack of Regulation: Several products are marketed without sufficient testing or regulation because the e-cigarette business is not yet fully regulated. Because of this regulatory gap, questions have been raised over the reliability and safety of e-cigarette products. "We've seen recent reports that young people are increasingly using vaping products, particularly some of the flavoured vaping products. That's often an entry into nicotine use in teenagers and we have to balance off those risks and benefits," Health Minister Jane Philpott. (CBC News,2016)

  1. Addiction: Many vape products contain high levels of nicotine, which can be highly addictive and have negative impacts on brain development, particularly in young people (Shiffer, 2019).

  2. Battery Explosions: There have been reports of e-cigarette batteries exploding, causing injuries and property damage. As vaping has also been linked to a growing number of accidents and fires. Many vape products use lithium-ion batteries, which can be volatile and prone to overheating. There have been several cases where vape devices have exploded or caught fire, causing serious injuries and property damage as well. (Seitz & Kabir, 2018)

Images showing realism about "Vaping"

  • Image related to teenagers

This image illustrates how teenagers and young people consider vaping as a modern and stylish practice that helps to make them look cool and attractive. With the use of this picture, we aim to raise public awareness of the harsh realities of peer pressure and the necessity of making thoughtful decisions. Because it is assumed to be trendy or socially acceptable, young people may feel under pressure to try vaping. The image, which shows a group of young people vaping, helps bring attention to the value of enlightening people on the risks and consequences involved with such habits as well as the impact of social influence. Thus, it shows how society is influencing young people's attitudes regarding this unhealthy behaviour. Moreover, Massachusetts, a state in the United States, has sued Juul that is a kind of electronic cigarette or vape pen, on the allegations that the business purposefully targeted young people with its advertising and promotional campaigns with these kinds of pictures, resulting in a youth vaping. (The Hill,2020) 

  • Image conveying a message

The image with the message above shows the true message of the unpleasant reality of vaping that most people attempt to avoid.  Vaping is essentially forcing your health and body for your own mental satisfaction; which is like rape to our health and particularly to our lungs as vaping clearly destroys them. If a person is vaping then that person is directly attacking their lungs in a negative way; which will be detrimental to their health in the future. The picture really conveys a powerful message to people,  raising their awareness of the reality of vaping

  • Image showing social Media influence

The image above depicts the present reality of vaping in general, with a link to social media. People vape for enjoyment and to appear hip on social media networks. In this image, two people are vaping and taking a picture of themselves vaping, demonstrating how they are attempting to appear cool in front of the world by vaping. Many have adopted this as a fad, and they are attempting to be cool by vaping, which is plainly inappropriate for this generation.

  • Image showing a real example

The girl in the picture is Grace Brassel, we choose this picture to show a real-time example of her. How a 23-year-old university student whose left lung entirely collapsed because of excessive vaping. She described the way she received treatment and "felt like tortured. She shared her story on the internet hoping to warn others to not get into vaping habits. Likewise, she is not the only one; many other people have shared on social media about their struggles and the steps they took to stop vaping. However, in reality, people like watching social where their friends are partying and vaping more than these stories.

Future of vaping

The future of vaping among teenagers is largely unclear and is affected by a variety of social, governmental, and technological factors. We must closely monitor the vaping industry, attempt to prevent young people from trying it and assist those who are already hooked. (Canada, H,2023)

  • Teenagers, who vape frequently,  might get respiratory and cardiovascular problems at an early age. 

  • As some serious cases have been reported we may see more strictness in future from parents as well as from the government regarding vaping and there would be serious labels on these products as well like cigarettes contain.

  • Many people still enjoy vaping and are looking for new and creative ways to do it regardless of potential health hazards. New vaping products that are designed to be less harmful or more fun to use might become available in the future.

Our Team Video About Vaping 

Our major topic, vaping, is explained in the above video. Our team, therefore, went to some vape shops to record and interact with them and ask them a few questions about vaping. One of our team members, Vaidehi, visited the Acme Vape store. The store employee was not willing to appear in a video when we approached him so we began to ask him our questions. He then spoke with us and provided us with information, including the reasons why vaping is popular and whether it is a healthy substitute for smoking. Where the person put his point of view that he is in favour of vaping and mentions that it is safe. Then, another team member, Muskan, went to a cannabis shop where they also sold electric vape, and she convinced the supervisors to let her ask questions about flavours and approaches to raising awareness. The manager explains that government initiatives are needed since it is not safe. He was amazing and gave clear explanations. Additionally, Muskan provides an ending to the video to conclude. Overall, the video illustrates the real situation within the sector and discusses the reality of vaping from people who have worked in the field for a long time.

So the solution is to quit but how?

Steps to Quit Vaping

  • Choose a motivation for quitting, and either write it down or record it on a mobile.
  • Choose a day to stop vaping. You can mark it on the calendar and tell their loved ones they'll be quitting that particular day.
  • Many people find that eating sugar-free gum or candy can help them avoid addictions.
  • Remove all vaping devices.
  • Install materials on your phone that can assist with addictions and offer support when you are attempting to quit vaping. Example: This Is Quitting texting program,
  • Acknowledge separation.
  •  Strong desires for vaping are a symptom of nicotine addiction, especially in the early days after quitting. Moreover, it might cause headaches, a sensation of exhaustion, irritability, anger, or depression, difficulty concentrating or sleeping, hunger, and restlessness.
  •  Throughout the coming days and weeks, these difficulties get improved.
  • the coming days and weeks, these difficulties get improved.

Checklist for managing withdrawal symptoms:-

✅ Prepare a strategy for how you'll handle the initial urge to vape

Visit your doctor for assistance
To stay hydrated
Enough daily sleep routine 
✅ Do things that you enjoy doing
✅ Spend more time with people
✅ Meditate and do yoga for relaxation
✅Avoiding unhealthy food


In conclusion, Vaping is becoming a rapidly growing trend among young people, many of them misled by the advertisement that it is safer than smoking cigars. While this might be true if we compare the same amount of cigarettes, it doesn't take into consideration the fact that vaping devices are easily reachable and have the ability to vape more freely in most places than smoking cigarettes. These factors make people who vape be exposed to more harmful chemicals. Which is the opposite of what it was supposed to do. This is especially true for younger people who are not usually cigarette addicts trying to recover but rather started vaping because it is "safer". We can prevent the younger generation from being addicted to vaping by having conversations about it both in school and at home. and by educating the general public about the dangers of vaping.


Groom, A. L., Vu, T. H. T., Landry, R. L., Kesh, A., Hart, J. L., Walker, K. L., Wood, L. A., Robertson, R. M., & Payne, T. J. (2021, June 24). The Influence of Friends on Teen Vaping: A Mixed-Methods Approach. PubMed Central (PMC).

Penn Medicine: "Vaping's Safe!"...Right? 4 Vaping Myths Separated From the Truth(n.d.).

Fake news alert: WHO updates its post-truth fact sheet on e-cigarettes. (2022, May 31). The Counterfactual.

How much nicotine is in JUUL? (2023, March 23). Truth Initiative.

Fake news alert: WHO updates its post-truth fact sheet on e-cigarettes. (2022, May 31). The Counterfactual.

Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens. (n.d.). Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and Teens.,future%20addiction%20to%20other%20drugs.

Boseley, S. (2015, June 9). Hon Lik invented the e-cigarette to quit smoking – but now he's a dual user. The Guardian. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from

         Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping. (2017, August 23). YouTube. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from

How does vaping work? The science and history are explained. (2019, October 28). YouTube. Retrieved March 25, 2023, from

Association, A. L. (n.d.). Health Risks of E-Cigarettes and Vaping. Health Risks of E-Cigarettes and Vaping | American Lung Association.

CDC. (2022, November 8). Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Young People. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaping regulations will need to balance “risks and benefits,” health minister says | CBC News. (2016 Sept 27). CBC.

Shiffer, E. (2019, June 7). The Dangers of Vaping Around Your Kids. Retrieved from Parents :

Daily Times . (2021, August 19). Daily Times . Retrieved from Daily Times : 

            Seitz, C. M., & Kabir, Z. (2018, September 10). Burn injuries caused by e-cigarette explosions: A systematic review of published cases. PubMed Central (PMC).

Juul bought ads on kids’ sites, created an ‘epidemic’ of youth vaping, suit claims. (2020, February 12). The Hill.

Canada, H. (17 Feb 2023.). Consider the Consequences of Vaping - Consider the Consequences of Vaping -

Vaping: What Parents Should Know (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth. (2022, July 1). Vaping: What Parents Should Know(for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth.

How to Quit Vaping | A Practical Guide on the Best Ways to Quit. (n.d.).


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SAY NO TO VAPING PRESENTED BY: 😃 VAIDEHI 😃 MUSKAN 😃 NAHOM 😃 NAVJOT Why we chose this cause https://www....